Neuigkeiten, Wissenswertes zu System Center Operationsmanager 2012 R2 (SCOM 2012 R2 / OpsMgr 2012 R2)
SCOM 2012 R2 Schulung / Training / Kurse
Neuigkeiten, Wissenswertes zu System Center Operationsmanager 2012 R2 (SCOM 2012 R2 / OpsMgr 2012 R2)
SCOM 2012 R2 Schulung / Training / Kurse
Dieses Script prüft den Zustand der SCOM 2016 ManagementServerGesundheit und versendet einen Report per Email.
Getestet unter SCOM 2012 R2
Author: ScottMoss
############################################################################## # # SCOM2012Health-Check.ps1 # # Original Script by: Jason Rydstrand for 2007 R2 # # The script below has been updated to function for SCOM 2012/SCOM 2012 R2 # Modifications by: Scott Moss mvp Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein! | twitter: jscottmoss # The SCOM connection for posh was totally stolen from Bob Cornelissen! Thx Bob! # Also thank you to Toa Yang for the sanity Check! # Update $UserName and $Password for your email server on gMAIL # Also update $mailmessage.from and $mailmessage.To.Add with who its coming from and going to # ############################################################################## #Importing the SCOM PowerShell module Import-module OperationsManager #Connect to localhost when running on the management server $connect = New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection –ComputerName localhost # Or enable the two lines below and of course enter the FQDN of the management server in the first line. #$MS = "" #$connect = New-SCOMManagementGroupConnection –ComputerName $MS # Create header for HTML Report $Head = "<!--mce:0-->" # Get status of Management Server Health and input them into report write-host "Getting Management Health Server States" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ReportOutput = "To enable HTML view, click on `"This message was converted to plain text.`" and select `"Display as HTML`"" $ReportOutput += "<p><H2>Management Servers not in Healthy States</H2></p>" $Count = Get-SCOMManagementServer | where {$_.HealthState -ne "Success"} | Measure-Object if($Count.Count -gt 0) { $ReportOutput += Get-SCOMManagementServer | where {$_.HealthState -ne "Success"} | select Name,HealthState,IsRootManagementServer,IsGateway | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment } else { $ReportOutput += "<p>All management servers are in healthy state.</p>" } # Get Agent Health Status and put none healthy ones into report write-host "Getting Agent Health Status" -ForegroundColor Yellow $MG = get-scommanagementgroup $criteria = new-object Microsoft.EnterpriseManagement.Monitoring.MonitoringObjectGenericCriteria("InMaintenanceMode=1") $objectsInMM = $MG.GetPartialMonitoringObjects($criteria.Criteria) $ObjectsFound = $objectsInMM | select-object DisplayName, @{name="Object Type";expression={foreach-object {$_.GetLeastDerivedNonAbstractMonitoringClass().DisplayName}}},@{name="StartTime";expression={foreach-object {$_.GetMaintenanceWindow().StartTime.ToLocalTime()}}},@{name="EndTime";expression={foreach-object {$_.GetMaintenanceWindow().ScheduledEndTime.ToLocalTime()}}},@{name="Path";expression={foreach-object {$_.Path}}},@{name="User";expression={foreach-object {$_.GetMaintenanceWindow().User}}},@{name="Reason";expression={foreach-object {$_.GetMaintenanceWindow().Reason}}},@{name="Comment";expression={foreach-object {$_.GetMaintenanceWindow().Comment}}} $ReportOutput += "<h2>Agents where Health State is not Green</h2>" #$ReportOutput += Get-Agent | where {$_.HealthState -ne "Success"} | Sort-Object HealthState -descending | select Name,HealthState | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment $Agents = Get-scomAgent | where {$_.HealthState -ne "Success"} | Sort-Object HealthState -descending | select Name,HealthState $AgentTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable "$AvailableTable" $AgentTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn Name,([string]))) $AgentTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn HealthState,([string]))) $AgentTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn MM,([string]))) $AgentTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn MMUser,([string]))) $AgentTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn MMReason,([string]))) $AgentTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn MMComment,([string]))) $AgentTable.Columns.Add((New-Object System.Data.DataColumn MMEndTime,([string]))) foreach ($Agent in $Agents) { $FoundObject = $null $MaintenanceModeUser = $null $MaintenanceModeComment = $null $MaintenanceModeReason = $null $MaintenanceModeEndTime = $null $FoundObject = 0 $FoundObject = $objectsFound | ? {$_.DisplayName -match $Agent.Name -or $_.Path -match $Agent.Name} if ($FoundObject -eq $null) { $MaintenanceMode = "No" $MaintenanceObjectCount = 0 } else { $MaintenanceMode = "Yes" $MaintenanceObjectCount = $FoundObject.Count $MaintenanceModeUser = (($FoundObject | Select User)[0]).User $MaintenanceModeReason = (($FoundObject | Select Reason)[0]).Reason $MaintenanceModeComment = (($FoundObject | Select Comment)[0]).Comment $MaintenanceModeEndTime = ((($FoundObject | Select EndTime)[0]).EndTime).ToString() } $NewRow = $AgentTable.NewRow() $NewRow.Name = ($Agent.Name).ToString() $NewRow.HealthState = ($Agent.HealthState).ToString() $NewRow.MM = $MaintenanceMode $NewRow.MMUser = $MaintenanceModeUser $NewRow.MMReason = $MaintenanceModeReason $NewRow.MMComment = $MaintenanceModeComment $NewRow.MMEndTime = $MaintenanceModeEndTime $AgentTable.Rows.Add($NewRow) } $ReportOutput += $AgentTable | Sort-Object MM | Select Name, HealthState, MM, MMUser, MMReason, MMComment, MMEndTime | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment # Get Alerts specific to Management Servers and put them in the report write-host "Getting Management Server Alerts" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ReportOutput += "<h2>Management Server Alerts</h2>" $ManagementServers = Get-SCOMManagementServer foreach ($ManagementServer in $ManagementServers){ $ReportOutput += "<h3>Alerts on " + $ManagementServer.ComputerName + "</h3>" $ReportOutput += get-SCOMalert -Criteria ("NetbiosComputerName = '" + $ManagementServer.ComputerName + "'") | where {$_.ResolutionState -ne '255' -and $_.MonitoringObjectFullName -Match 'Microsoft.SystemCenter'} | select TimeRaised,Name,Description,Severity | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment } # Get all alerts write-host "Getting all alerts" -ForegroundColor Yellow $Alerts = Get-SCOMAlert -Criteria 'ResolutionState < "255"' # Get alerts for last 24 hours write-host "Getting alerts for last 24 hours" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ReportOutput += "<h2>Top 10 Alerts With Same Name - 24 hours</h2>" $ReportOutput += $Alerts | where {$_.LastModified -le (Get-Date).addhours(-24)} | Group-Object Name | Sort-object Count -desc | select-Object -first 10 Count, Name | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment $ReportOutput += "<h2>Top 10 Repeating Alerts - 24 hours</h2>" $ReportOutput += $Alerts | where {$_.LastModified -le (Get-Date).addhours(-24)} | Sort-Object -desc RepeatCount | select-Object -first 10 RepeatCount, Name, MonitoringObjectPath, Description | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment # Get the Top 10 Unresolved alerts still in console and put them into report write-host "Getting Top 10 Unresolved Alerts With Same Name - All Time" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ReportOutput += "<h2>Top 10 Unresolved Alerts</h2>" $ReportOutput += $Alerts | Group-Object Name | Sort-object Count -desc | select-Object -first 10 Count, Name | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment # Get the Top 10 Repeating Alerts and put them into report write-host "Getting Top 10 Repeating Alerts - All Time" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ReportOutput += "<h2>Top 10 Repeating Alerts</h2>" $ReportOutput += $Alerts | Sort -desc RepeatCount | select-object –first 10 Name, RepeatCount, MonitoringObjectPath, Description | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment # Get list of agents still in Pending State and put them into report write-host "Getting Agents in Pending State" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ReportOutput += "<h2>Agents in Pending State</h2>" $ReportOutput += Get-SCOMPendingManagement | sort AgentPendingActionType | select AgentName,ManagementServerName,AgentPendingActionType | ConvertTo-HTML -fragment # List Management Packs updated in last 24 hours write-host "Getting List Management Packs updated in last 24 hours" -ForegroundColor Yellow $ReportOutput += "<h2>Management Packs Updated</h2>" $MPDates = (Get-Date).adddays(-1) $ReportOutput += Get-SCManagementPack | Where {$_.LastModified -gt $MPDates} | Select-Object DisplayName, LastModified | Sort LastModified | ConvertTo-Html -fragment # Take all $ReportOutput and combine it with $Body to create completed HTML output $Body = ConvertTo-HTML -head $Head -body "$ReportOutput" #$Body | Out-File C:\TEMP\HealthCheck-11-14-2012.html # Setup and send output as email message to GMAIL $SMTPServer = "" $SMTPPort = "587" $Username = "Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!" $Password = "URGmailPWDHere!" $Body = ConvertTo-HTML -head $Head -body "$ReportOutput" $SmtpClient = New-Object$SMTPServer, $SMTPPort); $MailMessage = New-Object $mailmessage.from = "Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!" $mailmessage.To.add("Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!") #$mailmessage.To.add("Diese E-Mail-Adresse ist vor Spambots geschützt! Zur Anzeige muss JavaScript eingeschaltet sein!") $mailmessage.Subject = "SCOM Daily Healthcheck Report" $MailMessage.IsBodyHtml = $true $smtpClient.EnableSSL = $true $smtpClient.Credentials = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Username, $Password); $mailmessage.Body = $Body $smtpclient.Send($mailmessage)